Let go and breathe in the real you

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5y ago
The Gifts of Hurt

Here's a beautiful story showing how to deal with difficult circumstances in life.

7y ago
Mind Full to Mindful

A single flower blooms, and throughout the world it is spring.

8y ago
Parental Compassion

If you are going to be over protective, it'll take them much longer to be independent — emotionally and otherwise.

8y ago
The Zen Mind

A single flower blooms and throughout the world it’s spring...every thought matters.

9y ago
The Four Shades of Silence

Bliss and tranquility blossom in a silent mind like beautiful lotuses do in a serene pond.

9y ago
The Empty Boat

What to do when the other person is responsible for evoking anger in us? Or are they?

9y ago
Are you Hurting Life?

A beautiful story of compassion and love that has some deep insight to make our lives worthwhile.

9y ago
No Water No Moon

Here's a beautiful Zen anecdote to help you see beyond faith, conditioning and ego.

13y ago
The Laughing God

God does not get angry. Ever compassionate and smiling, He's the ultimate essence of everything there is.

Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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